Monday, January 23, 2012

Roll Over

Paige rolled over for the first time last week. This occured at the babysitter's house so when we got home, Shelly immediately put Paige on the floor. The next thing I know, before I could even get over to see, she rolled over again. I missed it twice. Now she's a pro at it and it's pretty cute. She's also decided to get up at 5 a.m. now, which is fun. We get up a 6 a.m. so she's right in that time frame of 'good job Paige, you slept through the night' and 'really Paige? Just one more hour.'

I probably don't need to tell any of you that being sick is no fun. I'm not feeling too great and I haven't been able to work out in a few days, which makes me pretty cranky. Last Thursday I felt it in my throat and was hoping I could fight it. Now I have the headache/body aches and I'm not liking it. I only use two types of medicine for when I'm sick. Alka-Seltzer and Hot Toddy's. I swear by them and this cold could be a lot worse without them. Just try those rememdies, you'll thank me.

Right before I got sick I completed two weeks of P90X2 and I lost 5 lbs. I'm pretty happy about those results, so far. I really like this new program a lot, and as I said before, it deals a lot with balance and core. Balancing on a stability ball, medicine balls, and one leg is a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. By the end of my workouts I'm pretty beat.

I'm starting my first Beachbody Challenge group on February 6th. I already have a group of about 8 of our friends who are going to be participating. Basically, everyone is going to do their own workouts at home or the gym and we'll have a private facebook group for everyone to check in to help motivate each other. The person with the highest weight loss percentage gets a sweet prize! I, for one, like working out by myself but it's nice to know that there are others to help you keep it up. I'm pretty excited about it and I plan on starting new groups every month with either 30, 60, or 90 day Challenges.

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